God can use what you have to make a difference in someone else's eternal destination. Invest wisely into what God wants to accomplish.
$3,500 is being raised for personal support to meet our family's needs overseas.
$2,500 is also being raised for ministry needs as we plant a church and fund its initial obligations.
All Points Baptist Mission
PO Box 977
New Philadelphia, OH 4466
Phone: 330.339.1035
please make checks payable to APBM and designate all gifts to "Skean Family"

Grace Baptist Church
Grace Baptist Church
101 Donation Road
Greenville, PA 16125
Phone: 724-588-5520
please make checks payable
to "Jonathan Skean"
If you would prefer to use your PayPal account to send a donation to our ministry, please click below to be given that option.

Sending Care Packages or Dorcas Project Boxes
For those who would like to be an extra special blessing to our family by sending a care package with needed and desired items that we cannot obtain here, we have provided a walk-through to help make the process easier.